Now showing items 1501-1520 of 3773

    • Egmont : Ouvertüre. Fagott I. Op. 84 

      Beethoven, Ludwig Van
      Partitura para: Fagot I
    • Egmont : Ouvertüre. Klarinette I. Op. 84 

      Beethoven, Ludwig Van
      Partitura para: Clarinete I en B
    • Egmont : Ouvertüre. Klarinette II. Op. 84 

      Beethoven, Ludwig Van
      Partitura para: Clarinete II en B
    • Sechs Sonaten im Kanon 

      Telemann, Georg Philipp
    • Agnus Dei 

      Tavener, John
      Título tomado del interior de la partitura
    • Ave Maria 

      Stravinsky, Igor (1883)
      Partitura para: Soprano, alto, tenor, bajo. Título tomado del interior de la partitura
    • Últimos Ritos 

      Tavener, John (J. & E. Chester, Ltd., 1972)
    • Pater Noster 

      Stravinsky, Igor
      Partitura para: Soprano, alto, tenor, bajo. Título tomado del interior de la partitura
    • Suite #2 

      Stravinsky, Igor
      Partitura para: Flauta, Oboe, Clarinete, Fagot, Corno, Trompeta, Trombón, Tuba, Bombo, Piano, Violín, Viola, Cello y Contrabajo.
    • Ragtime 

      Stravinsky, Igor
      Partitura para: Grande flûte, clarinette en La, cor en Fa, cornet à pistons en Sib, trombone, caisse claire à corde, caisse claire sans corde, grande caisse, cymbale, cymbalum, 1er violon, 2e violon, alto, contrebasse.
    • Egmont : Ouvertüre. Oboe II. Op. 84 

      Beethoven, Ludwig Van
      Partitura para: Oboe II
    • Actions 77 : for symphony orchestra 

      Schidlowsky, Leon (Israel Music Institute (I. M. I.), 2008)
    • Desert : for narrator and symphony orchestra 

      Schidlowsky, Leon (Israel Music Institute (I. M. I.), 2012)
      Partitura para: 2 Flutes, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, double bassoons, 4 trumpets, 4 horns, 3 trombones, tuba, timpani (fa-si b-mi), percussion (3 players): 2 snare drums, 2 tenor drums, 2 bass drums, 2 gongs, 2 tam-tams, 2 maracas, one pair of claves, guiro, glockenspiel, xylophone, vibraphone, chimes; harp (do, re b, mi b, fa, sol b, la b, si b), 12 violins I, 12 violins II, 10 violas, 8 ...
    • Sul Do : In memoriam Marcel Marceau : for chamber orchestra 

      Schidlowsky, Leon (Israel Music Institute (I. M. I.), 2007)
      Partitura para: Piccolo, alto flute in G, clarinet piccolo in E, Bass clarinet, trumpet in C, horn in F, tuba, percussion: crotales in C, glockenspiel, xylophon, marimbaphon vibraphon, timpani, chimes; 7 violins I, 7 violins II, 5 violas, 5 violoncellos, 4 double bass (strings can be double).
    • Missa dona nobis pacem : For mixed choir a cappella 

      Schidlowsky, Leon (Israel Music Institute (I. M. I.), 1987)
      Partitura para: Soprano, alto, tenore, basso.
    • Septimino 

      Schidlowsky, Leon (Israel Music Institute (I. M. I.), 1991)
      Partitura para: Flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, trumpet, horn, trombone.
    • Eclosion : para 9 instrumentista 

      Schidlowsky, Leon (1967)
      Partitura para: Flauta, Trompeta, Piano, Vibrafono, Percusión, Violín, Viola, Cello y Contrabajo.
    • Hurqualia : Un royaume différent : Pour orchestre et instruments amplifiés 

      Scelsi, Giacinto (Salabert, 1984)
      Partitura para: Piccolo, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets in B-flat, 2 bassoons, 4 french horns, 3 trumpets, 2 trombones, 2 tubas, timpani, percussíon: 2 bongos, 2 congos, 3 frame drums, suspended cymbal, another cymbal with metallic resonator, field drum, small tam-tam, large tam-tam, horizontal bass drum with gong (gong placed on the horizontal bass drum and struck with tam-tam mallet), gong; viola, ...